Environmental Justice: Redefining Sustainability for All / Sustainability Lunch Series
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
Learn more about Dominique's work: https://www.dominiquedrakeford.com/
Food Provided (Vegetarian / plant-based lunch options will be provided to in-person attendees. Please note any food allergies and be sure to cancel registration if you can no longer attend (let's do our bit to reduce food waste!).)

Dominique Drakeford
Dominique Drakeford is a mother of 2, an environmental justice educator and global creative storyteller that has been a leader in reimagining sustainability for the past 15+ years. With a masters from NYU in Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Fashion, Dominique has redefined the landscape of conscious living and systems theory. As a sustainable street style maven, she works at the intersection of community development, ancestral homage and hip hop culture to heal our relationship with Earth and inspire well-being.