Student Clubs - Professional
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Email group officers
Mission The MIT Sloan Investment Management Club (IMC) is dedicated to providing a forum for exchange of ideas and matching of talent between the Investment Management community, MIT Sloan alumni and current students. The IMC seeks to leverage MIT Sloan's reputation in Finance and the extensive MIT Sloan alumni network in the Investment Management field to provide relationships and visibility to its partners and members. The IMC hosts a series of lectures and interactions with industry practitioners, stock pitch sessions, visits to investment management firms and helps to manage the relationship of recruiters with MIT Sloan.
Membership BenefitsMembers of the club receive access to a weekly lecture series (first semester) to better understand how to evaluate, value and invest in public companies. These lecture series are also designed to help prepare members for investment management interviews. The club will also host speakers, prepare and send members to national investment competitions, plan treks to visit companies in different cities in order to educate members on the industry and help prepare them for interviewing and working within the industry. Finally, by hosting the investment conference and competition each year, members get to learn from leading authorities within the field and also compete with top MBA teams around the country.